Thursday, October 10, 2013

π(pi) की खोज

>>>कटपयादि संख्या के आधार पर खोज:-

Oh Krishna, the fortune of the Gopis, the detoryer of the demon Madhu, protector of cattle, the one who ventured the ocean-depths, destroyer of evildoers, one with plough on the shoulder and the bearer of nectar, may (you) protect (us)!

The shloka above, seems to be one of the many written in praise of one of the most enigmatic and divine Lords of Hinduism, Krishna. The shloka, like many others, praises certain attributes of Krishna and requests him to protect the devotee. Simple enough, the shloka demonstrates one of the strongest and most intelligent examples of extreme knowledge and wisdom of our ancient men.

Grahacāraṇibandhana based in the year 683 CE and Laghubhāskariyavivarana based in the year 869 CE speak of a certain numerical notation which goes by the name of Katapayadi Sankhya. Under this system, a number is ascribed to each and every alphabet of the script, a concept highly similar to the ASCII system in computers. The image would better explain the relation between the alphabets and the numbers

So, based on the above method, if the letters in the shloka are replaced by the corresponding numbers,
ग - ३, पी - १, भा - ४, ग्य - १, म - ५, धु - ९, र - २, त -६, श्रु- ५, ग - ३, शो - ५, द - ८, धि - ९, स - ७, ध - ९, ग - ३, ख - २, ल - ३, जी - ८, वि - ४, त - ६, ख - २, त - ६, व - ४, ग - ३, ल - ३, र - २, स - ७, ध - ९, र - २
following result is obtained:
The number, as obvious, is the decimal representation of pi upto 32 decimal places. Who could have thought encrypting a mathematical concept in a devotional Shloka dedicated to Krishna? 

>>>आर्यभट्ट द्वारा खोज:-

चतुरधिकं शतम = १०४ , अष्टगुणं = ८ * १०४ = ८३२
द्वाषष्टि = ६२, तथा सहस्राणाम्  = ६२०००
कुल ६२८३२ 
अयुतद्वय = १०००० * २ = २००००,   विष्कम्भस्य  = व्यास की,
आसन्नो = लगभग, वृत्तपरिणाह = परिधि के
६२८३२ / २०००० = ३.१४१६


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